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Slides for my german presentation DOAG2021 "Forms and Reports 12c - Processes and Automation in Development and Operations" available

Project report about an Oracle Forms and Reports 12c Automation

I have presented last week on DOAG 2021. For all non DOAG members - you can find the german presentation on Slideshare too:

Forms and Reports 12c - Processes and Automation in Development and Operations - I am a speaker at DOAG 2021

Project report about an Oracle Forms and Reports 12c Automation

The current target architecture of IKB’s credit and loan management is based on Oracle ADF and SOA and of course the database. But how can you protect in this time your Oracle Forms & Reports longtime investments, can you support their Development Lifecycle by Automation?

Slides for my german presentation DOAG2020 "Our way to 19c" available

Project report about an Oracle Database Upgrade - Slides

I have presented last week on DOAG 2020. For all non DOAG members - you can find the german presentation on Slideshare too:

Our way to 19c - I am a speaker at DOAG 2020

Project report about an Oracle Database Upgrade

Already 4 years we plan the upgrade from 11c to a new supported version. If you speak german and you are interested in some of our experiences, you should come and attend my presentation at DOAG 2020 Wednesday, Nov. 18, 15:00 online.

Show your Oracle Forms and Reports diffs from Git

See diff for your Forms and Reports modules with tools from ORCL Toolbox and Git difftool wrapper

You have successfully versioned your Oracle Forms & Reports module with git. What if you could see the diff for your module after changes from your working copy or between two commits? See my solution with the tools from ORCL Toolbox and a Git difftool wrapper.

DOAG2017 wrap up

Another DOAG is over and here is my summary.

DEVCAMP17 wrap up

Yesterday I attend the annual barcamp DEVCAMP of the DOAG development community. There are mostly developers with SQL, PL/SQL, Forms & Reports, ADF, JET background and some Java, Javascript and APEX developers too. And not to forget: 1 dba and some managers. Here is my summary.

DOAG2016 wrap up

Another DOAG is over and here is my summary.

Oracle TranslationHub neither supported for 12c Database, 12c Forms/Reports or 64 bit!

If you need TranslationHub (Windows only) for your forms and reports development please immediately stop if you plan to move to one of the these

SLES shell script to check required os packages according to documentation before starting oracle forms and reports installation

If you try to install Oracle Forms & Reports on SLES 11.3 than despite all installer checks are passed maybe you get a error message.

Fasten your Oracle Forms and Reports 11g Server start on Unix derivates

Do you see a slow start of your WebLogic managed server for Forms & Reports on Unix derivate? We had this problem too on SuSe SLES 11 and Forms and Reports 11.1.2.

TranslationHub 11g is only available as 32 bit - requires Forms and Reports 11g too in 32 bit for Development

I have done the whole may scripting silent installs of several developer tools. Among them was Fusion Middleware 11.1.2 Forms & Reports. I see that oracle certifies the 64bit installers on win7 64bit and so I have successfully script this after a lot of time. I want not speak about the many errors in silent installers here. But what if you want to use TranslationHub too?

Oracle Forms 11 running as application in Java Webstart

According to my last post today I will show you the basic configuration for forms 11g. Unfortunately webstart in forms 11g it is not as easy as in 10g, but it works too!

Oracle Forms 10 running as application in Java Webstart

Many people miss in webforms the possibility to run forms as a separate application. They have a lot of problems to handle browser back button an so on. The good news - there is a way to do this with Java Webstart. The bad news - it is not supported by Oracle. But we run this since four years now and is very stable.