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Virtual Development Server: Modern Infrastructure

Create the Foundation for easy Development

After my 2016 series about my Virtual Development Server I have learned a lot. It’s time for a major overhaul with new technologies. It should be a lot more flexible and usable for development and course environments. See how I will restart!

Provide access to WebLogic DMS Spy Servlet for readonly users

For security reasons and to prevent the configuration drift it is recommendable to use read only access of WebLogic configuration for analyzing problems. For read only access of configuration and logs WebLogic provides out of the box the group Monitors. Unfortunately you cannot access DMS Spy Servlet with this group, which is useful for analyse runtime values of the server. Only users which belongs to the Administrators group and therefore have full access can access DMS Spy Servlet and this is not configurable in WebLogic by default.

Javaland 2017 wrap up

Yes - I did it again and attend Javaland, conference in Phantasialand Brühl. It was not easy this year to concentrate on the sessions because of the hottest march of the last 100 years. But the quality of the sessions beats the weather. Maybe again my invest in reading the abstracts and filter the sessions before the conference has payed off.

Virtual Development Server: Install Jenkins for Continuos Integration / Delivery / Deployment

For automation of all of my processes I need Jenkins in my development server. First I had installed Jenkins as Docker container via Vagrant Docker provider. But with this architecture it was very complicated to create docker images and run Docker containers on the Docker host, in this case my Vagrant Virtualbox. So for simplification I have decided to install Jenkins with the provisioning of the Vagrant Virtualbox via a shell provider in my Vagrantfile.

Virtual Development Server: Provide Docker images in docker registry for Oracle XE Database and others

For later creation of containers as needed in the deployment process we have first to build docker images whenever we do not find suitable one in docker hub.

Virtual Development Server: Add swapfile to VirtualBox as requirement for installing Oracle or build Oracle docker images

As I want later build Oracle docker images, some of this need a swapfile. Per default my used Vagrantbox does not have one, so later steps will fail.

Virtual Development Server: Add enough ram and disk space to VirtualBox for further server components

As I want later build docker images and run docker containers I have to provide enough ram and disk space for this. Per default the Vagrantboxes have vmdk disks, these have a static size and are to small for my purposes.

Virtual Development Server: Creating Virtualbox machine including docker containers with Vagrant

As I want to decouple my development server from my computer as much as possible I want to create first a virtual machine with linux.

SLES shell script to check required os packages according to documentation before starting oracle forms and reports installation

If you try to install Oracle Forms & Reports on SLES 11.3 than despite all installer checks are passed maybe you get a error message.